Representative for Bulgaria of VID FIREKILL
Marketing and Engineering for Technology, Engineering and Manufacturing Sector Companies
We „translate” the complex technical issues into clear messages.
About Us
TechInfoTM is founded to help companies communicate the complex technical information to the outside world - their clients, partners, suppliers, contractors, the media and all stakeholders.
We focus on communications strategies, engaging marketing materials and strong relevant content.
We deliver intelligent communications across traditional and digital channels. We work professionally and proactively with a knowledge-based, well-informed, strategic and structured approach. Our rich knowledge in both marketing and engineering sector allow us to be a smarter alternative of in-house marketing & communications function and deliver to our clients more competitive advantages and much added value.
We work long-term with our clients, based on partnership and trust. We believe that shared professionalism make companies and people stronger, more resilience and more profitable.
We create, share and spread valuable resources that help companies to present their unique technical products or services.
Our Services
We develop, design, produce and deliver marketing and media communications solutions for technology, engineering and manufacturing sector companies, as well as provide sales and risk engineering consultancy services.
Our activity is focused on small and medium sized companies in the field of Building Technologies & Fire Safety, Industrial Automation & Robotics and Technologies for Sustainable Environment.
We create, share and spread valuable resources that help our clients to present their unique and complex technical products or services among their customers and all stakeholders.
Marketing & Media Communications Services
Marketing & Communications
Full spectrum marketing and communications solutions for technology, engineering and manufacturing sector companies.
Media Publications
Independent professional online publications in the field of Fire Safety, Automation & Robotics and Technologies for Environment Protection.
Special Media Projects
Special media projects for technology, engineering and manufacturing sector: technical articles, case studies, white papers, research & analyses, technology reviews, etc.
Sales & Engineering Consultancy Services
Trade Representative
Sales engineering consultancy services for industrial and fire safety sector.
Risk Engineering
Risk engineering consultancy services for industrial and fire safety sector.